Flann Spaceflight Millimetric Waveguide Switch Series 330
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Flann Spaceflight Millimetric Waveguide Switch Series 330

  • Designed for space-flight applications
  • Robust, lightweight and compact construction
  • Models up to 112 GHz
  • Stable performance at temperature extremes
  • Very low insertion loss
  • Bi-stable latching with non-contacting detent
  • Position tell back with non-contacting sensor
  • Superior peakpower & multi-paction immunity
  • Low PIM

Flann has expanded its portfolio of precision electro-mechanical waveguide switches to include a range of Waveguide Switches suitable for demanding aerospace and space-flight applications. This product series has been developed to meet the rapidly increasing data capacity requirements of space communication links in the emerging higher frequency bands.

This product is currently ready to be tailored to mission-specific specifications and qualification testing. The switch has been designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions including mechanical shock and vibration, thermal shock and fatigue. Available in a variety of rotary bearing types, drive styles and drive voltages to suit customer preferences.

The microwave signal path only has two aluminium solid parts (stator and rotor) isolated by an air gap. Therefore having no joins or contacting surfaces gives a very robust, reliable & stable device. The very small size & mass ensures a very low insertion loss & high power capability with the best PIM performance. The use of H-plane topology yields the best peak power & multipacting performance. The design also ensures high channel isolation & extended low frequency performance.